Chapter 5: As an Indie Author you need to protect yourself. I am not a professional and perhaps I have scared myself beyond the point of no return. As a writer you not only open yourself up to ridicule and commentary but you also open yourself up to trolls who are sue happy. This may be a hobby for you and want to share your words for all to see. If another person feels that you have infringed on their rights, privacy, or slandered them you are in a world of hurt. Not only are your literary assets vulnerable so are your personal assets.
After the rabbit hole I wondered into I feel for myself it is important for me and my family that I protect what we have. I have been on the hunt for personal insurance for my writing and have found it is a very difficult task. Either you join some form of writing guild with discounted rates or go in on your own. The problem is how do we know what is right for us or which are the best companies?
In addition joining a writing guild can be very daunting when of the groups require you to prove your income from writing. I'm a newbie. I cannot prove that yet. So, what should I do? I have found a few resources and read everything from start an LLC or try media liability. I hope by the time I launch I will have the coverage to make me feel safe to continue my journey of story telling.
Of course, this post is not meant to frighten anyone from the love of writing but more of a PSA to those considering to move from hobby to professional. I am not a lawyer and cannot provide legal advice or tax information but I hope you take my words to heart and consider researching what is best for you and your loved ones.